Published on September 20, 2004 By Wet Monkey In Stardock Software
I made a very simple digital clock object. It's actually two objects grouped, ie parent/child, Background object and digital clock object from the plug-in browser. My problem is that everytime I re-boot my machine or re-load this digital clock object it reverts back to 24 hr, (military), time instead of the way I set it up.. for a 12 hr clock.

My format string is .. hh':'mm':'ss'' tt .. with a space between the colons after the seconds. As I said, all is fine unless I relaod the object or re-boot. I have the latest version of DesktopX.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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on Sep 20, 2004
I made a very simple digital clock object. It's actually two objects grouped, ie parent/child, Background object and digital clock object from the plug-in browser. My problem is that everytime I re-boot my machine or re-load this digital clock object it reverts back to 24 hr, (military), time instead of the way I set it up.. for a 12 hr clock.

My format string is .. hh':'mm':'ss'' tt .. with a space after the colons after the seconds. As I said, all is fine unless I relaod the object or re-boot. I have the latest version of DesktopX.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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on Sep 20, 2004
try taking the extra h off the front of the format string...and take of the seconds too. Dont really need those.
on Sep 20, 2004
Thanks for your reply CerebroJD but I want the leading 0 and I like having the seconds up on my clock. That doesn't fix the problem anyway. The fundemental issue here is that DesktopX is not saving it's own variables on objects and I would like to know if I have scripted something wrong or if this is a known bug.

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on Sep 20, 2004
Well, check the script and see if its somehow set to switch back to 24 hour mode. I had an object that kept resizing back, and it was in the script.